Hearing Assessment with a hearing care professional

The most effective way to tell if you have a hearing impairment is to have a hearing assessment . This test, free at Audika, aims to detect your level of hearing loss . To screen for your hearing loss, there are three main steps: making an appointment, the hearing assessment (consisting of an interview and several listening and comprehension tests) and reading the results.

  • With or without a prescription
  • 20 min interview: Taking into account your hearing problems.
  • 5 min exam: The hearing care professional performs an examination of the ears.
  • 20 min test: Series of sound tests (tones and comprehension).

  • Review of 15 min: Audiogram results and reading.

Our hearing aid advice

Bring a friend or family member on the first date. It is generally recommended that you bring a person whose voice is familiar to you for a hearing test in the center. This helps the hearing care professional assess speech understanding and allows you to accurately measure your hearing. It is not only a question of hearing, but also of understanding.

A voice and a familiar face also allows you to be confident and in the best mood. It turns out that you get more from a visit with a loved one. This person will have a better understanding of your situation, the hearing loss and the difficulties associated with it, which allows strategies to be put in place to improve communication.

What to expect during a first hearing test at a hearing care professional?

Speech is one of the most widely used means of communication, so hearing health is essential for your quality of daily life. Our hearing experts help you hear better through personalized follow-up.

1. Well done! You have made an appointment to test your hearing

You have just taken the first step towards better hearing health.
Your assessment is planned and your hearing journey can begin.

2 minutes

2. Talk about hearing loss, your symptoms and your lifestyle

Our hearing expert will take the time to listen to you and discuss things to get to know you better. Together with your hearing care professional, you will discuss any hearing difficulties you may be experiencing, your hearing aid needs and your medical history. A first series of hearing tone tests will be performed, none of which will cause discomfort.

20 minutes

3. Otoscopy: an examination of the ears

Next, we will examine your ears to make sure that there is no earwax plug or infection. We will also check if your eardrums are damaged and if there are no abnormalities. This part of the hearing screening helps the hearing care professional understand the medical origin of hearing loss.

5 minutes

4. Vocal hearing and comprehension test

This measurement of your hearing is harmless and painless. You will be seated in a soundproof booth or in a booth equipped with a headset and will have to listen and respond. These are recorded sounds that will obtain your audiogram . This test is supplemented by a comprehension test. This is where your loved one, or failing that the hearing care professional, participates. The results will help determine if your hearing loss is fit and which hearing aids might be suitable.

20 minutes

5. The same day, interpretation of the results and recommendations

Depending on the results of your hearing test, your hearing care professional will carry out a check-up and take the time to answer all your questions. In the event of significant hearing loss, he will refer you to an ENT doctor and advise you on your hearing journey.

15 minutes