Otosclerosis is an inherited disease that results in deterioration of the bones in the middle ear. A pathology that affects twice as many women as men. Find out what are the causes of otosclerosis? What are the symptoms and how can I treat them? How is the operation going? Does it really work?

Otosclerosis: what are the causes and symptoms?

Causes of otosclerosis

Otosclerosis is a disorder of bone metabolism . The quality of the bones deteriorates and this impacts the chain of ossicles in the middle ear . These are the smallest bones in the human body: the stirrup, anvil and hammer. They serve to amplify the sound perceived by the eardrum to lead it to the cochlea. A progressive change in bone structure which leads to a failure in the transmission of sound and therefore to hearing loss.

Otosclerosis particularly affects the last bone in the chain of the ossicles: the stapes. It provides the junction with the inner ear. And in the case of otosclerosis, its movement is impaired. He can no longer fulfill his function. The patient is therefore initially affected by conductive hearing loss .

Otosclerosis affects 3 in 1000 people in Pakistan. It mainly occurs in women. A peculiarity that indicates a hormonal factor . Otosclerosis can especially appear during pregnancy.

This pathology has above all a genetic factor: 1 in 2 patients affected by otosclerosis comes from a family with one or more sick members. Otosclerosis is a disease that progresses slowly but can be affected by hormonal changes.

Symptoms of otosclerosis

Otosclerosis is a disease in which the first symptom is a decrease in hearing sensitivity . Certain sounds become difficult to hear, the sentences are less and less clear. In 30 to 80% of cases, otosclerosis is also accompanied by tinnitus in the form of buzzing . And more rarely, the patient may suffer from dizziness.

Otosclerosis most often affects both ears at the same time. But it happens that the symptoms develop faster on one of the two sides.

In summary: the main symptom of otosclerosis is hearing loss .

Prevention of otosclerosis

Otosclerosis being a hereditary disease, when diagnosing a case, patients are invited to inform those around them (ascendants and descendants) in order to anticipate the genetic repercussions.

As the disease is subject to fluctuations due to hormones, it is important to consult specialists, if otosclerosis is declared, before taking a new hormonal treatment.

Otosclerosis treatment: operation or hearing aid?

The most popular treatment for otosclerosis is surgery. But if the patient does not wish to have the operation, it is possible to treat the hearing loss by wearing a hearing aid.

  • Most common treatment: operation

To treat otosclerosis, it is possible to go through surgery – if the deafness is conductive and the inner ear is not affected. The operation for otosclerosis is simply carried out:

The damaged stirrup was removed and replaced with a prosthesis. This operation is performed under general anesthesia. The surgery is done through the internal ear canal and sometimes through the external voice, which can leave a small scar on the front of the ear. However, some anatomical peculiarities may make the operation impractical.

After the otosclerosis operation? The post-operative follow-up to surgical treatment depends on each patient. Transient dizziness and buzzing can be observed.

  • Otosclerosis: treat with a hearing aid

The only alternative other than surgery is the hearing aid. Wearing a hearing aid treats hearing loss, but not the disease itse

Otosclerosis and hearing loss

Otosclerosis primarily causes hearing loss. The first signs of the disease may resemble those of hearing loss. The signs of hearing loss are easy to recognize:

  1. You often make the people around you repeat themselves,
  2. You have difficulty distinguishing conversations on the telephone,
  3. You increase the sound of the television and those around you make comments to you,
  4. You hear buzzing or hissing,
  5. You have trouble following conversations with several people or in noisy environments.

Look for signs that indicate you should have a hearing test with a hearing care professional.