Test your hearing online for free

Test your hearing in 5 minutes. This hearing test combines questions, tone test and scenario in order to measure your hearing. You will get your results after validating each of the steps.

  • A short, straightforward test procedure
  • A first impression of your hearing
  • A detailed evaluation of your test

Online hearing test: the first check for good hearing

How is your hearing? With our hearing test, which can be carried out online free of charge, you can get a first impression. It is important to know that the online hearing test is a very good basis, but it cannot exactly determine your hearing ability. This can only be done with a professional hearing test in a hearing studio, for example with one of our competent hearing care professionals. So if your online hearing test result indicates impaired hearing, we recommend that you visit our specialists.

What do you need for the test?

During your online hearing test, ensure a quiet environment without disturbing background noise. We recommend that you perform the test with the headphones closed that sit on your ears and provide good sound. Adjust the volume according to the instructions at the beginning of the online hearing test.

Test also possible without headphones?

If you cannot comply with our recommendation to use headphones, you can also perform the online hearing test without headphones. Thanks to the use of the signal-to-noise ratio, you simply connect a loudspeaker and you can take your online hearing test.

Do I need hearing aid?

Have you ever been told that you are a little “deaf” or hard of hearing?
Have you noticed a drop in your hearing after a concert or following a loud noise?
If you suspect hearing loss , we urge you to learn about the warning signs of hearing loss.

Is an online hearing test reliable?

Our online hearing test gives you a precise idea of ​​your hearing level. However, this is a hearing screening and not a medical test.

The results of the online hearing test cannot be completely accurate because it is impossible to ensure that the sound levels heard are precisely calibrated. This therefore gives you an overview of the results you might have with a hearing test carried out in the center .

The online hearing test we offer combines self-assessment and listening questions. The background noises used allow you to assess your ability to distinguish speech from noise, without needing to guarantee absolute sound levels.

However, the only way to properly test your hearing is to see your ENT doctor and your hearing care professional .

What are the causes of hearing loss?

The most common hearing disorder is noise-induced hearing loss. This hearing deterioration usually results from too much exposure to loud noises.
Also, our hearing gradually deteriorates as we age, as the small hair cells inside our ears get damaged over time.